College Math Tutoring

Get Connected to a Great Math Tutor Today!

College mathematics is typically a significant step up in difficulty, even for those students who succeeded in similar courses in high school. Before encountering differences in material and presentation in class, students face an overwhelming amount of freedom and change in their lives. There’s a lot to deal with in college, and math class can become an afterthought. Dedicating some of that study time to receiving 1:1 instruction from a tutor who is an expert ensures that students are not spinning their wheels for too long. Actively solving practice problems with the help of the right tutor can make all the difference. Call 614-264-1110 to learn more and sign up for Tutoring By A College Professor to be connected to a top-notch math tutor for your university today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Tutoring by a College Professor?

Tutoring By A College Professor tutors use techniques that have proven successful both in their own academic pursuits and in the classroom, applied in a personalized manner. You have full agency over what topics and material you’d like to see covered, when your tutor slows down or provides an alternate explanation, unlike in a classroom setting. Most sessions will start with a mini-lesson on material you want to cover, providing background and context for the material. Knowing how a mathematical problem naturally arises, where a formula comes from, or why we use certain techniques for problem solving is critical for organizing that information in your brain. Then, you’ll work with your tutor on practice problems to put that material into context and prepare yourself for studying the material on your own. Mathematical ideas can only fully make sense with both the big-picture ideas and examples used in tandem. Please call 614-264-1110 today for a free consultation and sign up now.

How is college math different from high school?

College math courses often require a mastery of a wider range of skills and material, and common approaches from pre-college math classes don’t often work. Many high school students are incentivized to memorize material for the test and forget it afterwards. It’s an understandable approach; math courses are often taught as a list of disconnected and arbitrary units presented without deeper explanation and context.

Our math tutors will be teaching comprehensive theories—each piece of material fitting into a larger story that is often necessary for your future coursework or major. The out-in-the-open secret of college mathematics is that math should make sense. College exams will test if you truly understand material and are ready to apply it to a variety of academic pursuits.

How can students succeed in their college math courses?

First and foremost, adjusting to the “math should make sense” mindset will require active engagement in the lecture material. Going through materials with your tutor and flagging areas where you have questions can help you to recognize where the gaps may lie. Our tutors have strong foundations in all content, so there are no ‘stupid questions.’ You can always ask to re-learn material from earlier courses that never stuck with you!

A strong conceptual foundation is important, but success in math courses will also require regular practice. You wouldn’t expect to learn a sport just by watching it on TV! Similarly, you’ll need to build up your ‘mathematical muscle memory’ so that the material you learn becomes intuitive and easy to build on later. Building the right habits here is extremely important, and your tutor can make sure you are approaching practice problems and homework the best way, especially for a timed exam.

How are tutoring sessions conducted?

Tutoring sessions are online on Zoom. You can tutor from the comfort of home or the bustle of a coffee shop. It’s up to you.

How long are most tutoring sessions?

Students typically tutor in 1 hour increments, but sessions can run as long as you need.

What if I need an emergency tutoring session for a test tomorrow?

Don’t hesitate to call us at 614-264-1110. We can have you connected with a tutor today to begin scheduling.

What math courses do you help with?

Please see below for a list of some of the math courses we’re familiar with.  We do also help with higher levels of math all the way through the graduate level. If you do not see your student’s class listed below, we have likely still helped with the course previously and are still highly qualified to help--our tutors are amazing experts in math.  Please call 614-264-1110 for more information.

Algebra, Precalculus, Intro to College Math:

Ohio State University: Math 1050, Math 1075, Math 1148, Math 1149, Math 1060, Math 1120, Math 1121

University of Michigan: MATH 105, MATH 110

Michigan State University: MTH 103, MTH 103A, MTH 103B, MTH 114, MTH 116, MTH 418H, MTH 419H



Indiana University (Finite Math!): MATH-D 116, MATH-D 117, MATH-J 111, MATH-J 112, MATH-M 14, MATH-M 18, MATH-M 25, MATH-M 27, MATH-M 118

Clemson University: MATH 1040

University of Alabama: MATH 005, MATH 110, MATH 112, MATH 113, MATH 115

NC State: MA 101, MA 107, MA 108, MA 111, MA 114

Calculus 1:

Ohio State University: Math 1151, Math 1141, Math 1131 (business calculus), Math 1156 (life sciences)

Purdue University: MA 16100, MA 16500

University of Michigan: MATH 115, MATH 185

Michigan State University: MTH 124, MTH 132, MTH 152H

Duke University: MATH 21

Vanderbilt University: MATH 1100, MATH 1200, MATH 1201, MATH 1300

Emory University: MATH111



Indiana University: MATH-J 113, MATH-M 119, MATH-M 211

Clemson University: MATH 1020, MATH 1060, MATH 1070

University of Alabama: MATH 121, MATH 125, MATH 145

NC State: MA 121, MA 131, MA 141, MA 151, MA 152, MA 231


Calculus 2:

Ohio State University: Math 1152

Purdue University: MA 16200, MA 16600

University of Michigan: MATH 116, MATH 156, MATH 186

Michigan State University: MTH 126, MTH 133, MTH 153H

Duke University: MATH 22

Vanderbilt University: MATH 1301

Emory University: MATH112, MATH116, MATH 210


Indiana University: MATH-M 212, MATH-M 120

Clemson University: MATH 1080, MATH 2070

University of Alabama: MATH 126, MATH 146

NC State: MA 241

Calculus 3:

Ohio State University: Math 2153

Purdue University: MA 26100, MA 27101

University of Michigan: MATH 215

Michigan State University: MTH 234

Duke University: MATH 202, MATH 202D, MATH 212, MATH 212A, MATH 212D, MATH 219, MATH 222

Vanderbilt University: MATH 2200, MATH 2300

Emory University: MATH211


Indiana University: MATH-M 311

Clemson University: MATH 2060

University of Alabama: MATH 227, MATH 247

NC State: MA 242

Linear Algebra:

Ohio State University: Math 2568

Purdue University: MA 35100, MA 35300

University of Michigan: MATH 217, MATH 214

Michigan State University: MTH 309, MTH 317H, MTH, 414, MTH 415

Duke University: MATH 216, MATH 216D, MATH 221, MATH 221D

Vanderbilt University: MATH 2410, MATH 2600

Emory University: MATH221



Indiana University: MATH-E 201, MATH-M 301, MATH-M 303

NC State: MA 305

Foundations of Mathematics:

Ohio State University: Math 3345

University of Michigan: MATH 128

Vanderbilt University:  MATH 3000

Emory University: MATH250


NC State: MA 225


Ohio State University: Math 4530

Purdue University: MA 41600, STAT 41600, STAT 51600

Duke University: MATH 230, MATH 230S, MATH 231

Vanderbilt University: MATH 1011, MATH 2820, MATH 3640

NYU: MATH-UA 233, MATH-UA 235, MATH-UA 238


Indiana University: MATH-M 365

Differential Equations:

Ohio State University: Math 2255

Purdue University: MA 36600, MA 30300, MA 303400

University of Michigan: MATH 316, MATH 216, MATH 285, MATH 404

Michigan State University: MTH 235, MTH 254H, MTH 340

Vanderbilt University: MATH 2420, MATH 2610

Emory University: MATH212

NYU: MATH-UA 262, MATH-UA 263, MATH-UA 268


Indiana University: MATH-M 343, MATH-M 344

NC State: MA 302


See what Math students and their parents say about their experience with Tutoring By A College Professor.  To search for testimonials by school, go to our Testimonials section at the top:

Helpful Resources


  • Lecture

  • Textbook

  • Homework and other assignments


  • Office Hours

  • Private Tutoring


  • 3Blue1Brown: Youtube Channel by ex-Khan Academy instructor Grant Sanderson, covering a wide range of mathematical topics with a focus on visualization, examples, and providing satisfactory explanations to make you feel like you could have invented the math yourself.

  • Essence of Calculus: Online course with accompanying video series.

  • Essence of Linear Algebra: Online course with accompanying video series.

  • Lockdown Math:

    Recorded live lecture series published during the height of Covid-19, covering both calculus and precalculus topics in detail with live comprehension questions.

  • Pauls Online Math Notes:

    A series of notes and practice problems for standard Calculus 1,2,3 and Differential Equations courses.

  • Change is the Only Constant:

    A book about the concepts of calculus. Light and funny with illustrations.

Tutoring By A College Professor:

Tutoring By A College Professor tutors use techniques that have proven successful both in their own academic pursuits and in the classroom, applied in a personalized manner. You have full agency over what topics and material you’d like to see covered, when your tutor slows down or provides an alternate explanation, unlike in a classroom setting. Most sessions will start with a mini-lesson on material you want to cover, providing background and context for the material. Knowing how a mathematical problem naturally arises, where a formula comes from, or why we use certain techniques for problem solving is critical for organizing that information in your brain. Then, you’ll work with your tutor on practice problems to put that material into context and prepare yourself for studying the material on your own. Mathematical ideas can only fully make sense with both the big-picture ideas and examples used in tandem. Sign up today or call 614-264-1110 for a free consultation.

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